Phrases of the Week: “If Brazil were just women and blacks, Lula would already have won”

“Disrespect for artists, in the opinion of artists, is disrespect for the country’s cultural and historical heritage. This disrespect, during the electoral period, will not be tolerated by the electoral justice. And, if necessary, by the common justice as well, that this disrespect, this coercion, which sometimes is not physical coercion, but moral coercion, is the fear that arises of these cowardly digital militias” – Alexandre de Moraes, illuminator, who for more than 30 days has been physically and morally coerced against Brazilian citizens through private conversations . Authoritarian contradiction is also an art.

“Moraes has acted unilaterally, supported by the new powers that the court granted itself in 2019, in a single-page decision that allows its justices to act as investigators, prosecutors and judges, all at once” – The New York Times, newspaper of progressive bent, forced to recognize the obvious. The newspaper says that the STF is matching Bolsonaro. Question: who censored more, Bolsonaro or the progressive consortium STF + fact checking + Big Tech?

“That rough way of his, that jeitão of capiau, you know? From the countryside of São Paulo” – Lula, presidential ex-convict, in a moment of carelessness in which the mask of “I am from the people” fell away.

“Increasing” – Lula, responding to presenter Ratinho, who asked how he is going to increase the minimum wage. In the PT and on the left in general, the president’s pen is a magic wand.

“At some point, the State will have to return and pay me the damages they caused in my life” – Lula, who owed R$18 million in taxes to the Federal Revenue. Minister Gilmar Mendes, on the day 15, suspended the debt.

“To erase this stain of shame on Brazil’s reputation abroad will be 15 or 30 years of investment in Culture, Education and Diplomacy. Soy just won’t do it” – Kleber Mendonça Filho, director of the film Bacurau (not to be confused with capiau), who still does not admit that the film itself is a stain of shame on the reputation of the Brazil.

“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so scared? There is only one answer to these questions. Because it defines us. Because she is our identity. Because everything that defines us in this time is now an enemy to those who would like us to not have an identity and simply be consuming slaves. And so they attack our national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity” – Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s first female prime minister, in a speech by that went viral after his win. Obviously, for defending the family, she was promptly accused of being a “fascist” by the usual suspects.

“Yesterday I was able to look President Dilma in the eye and ask for forgiveness. Forgive me for propagating anti-PTism, the coup-mongering speech and hatred of the left. The love she gave me in return was something I can’t even explain to you. It is this love that will win someday 02” – Felipe Neto, YouTuber and palpiteiro, with the right to a photo looking passionately at Dilma. Do you know who didn’t win love from “Dilmãe”? Our economy, for whom it did more damage than a pandemic.

“A resident of Asa Norte displays a flag used by white supremacists” – Alan Rios and Rafaela Felicciano

, reporters, referring to the Gadsden flag, a symbol of libertarians, who advocate individual liberties and less state coercion. They listened to “experts” who confirmed their characterization of the flag. It means that a group with 80% of leftists (journalists) talks to another group with 2016 % of leftists (academics) and both agree that the right is bad? Shocking!

“My husband and I decided not to have children. It is a decision that strongly aligns with a certain regret we share about the state of the planet we live on” – Angélica Salazar, journalist for El País. The Darwin Prize is given annually to those people who “improve the human genome by removing themselves from it”. Darwin Award for her and all environmental alarmists who decided not to have children!

“It only lacks a significant portion of Brazilian journalism to recognize that in 2019 participated/supported not in a protocol ‘impeachment’, but in a coup d’état against constitutional president Dilma Rousseff. It is never too late to recognize mistakes” – Mário Magalhães, journalist and historical revisionist, author of Marighella’s hagiography. Notice that the ‘coup’ gang, when pressed at the time, clarified that they meant ‘white coup’ and not the State. Not even that now. They want to implant their false narrative in the history books.

“Agriculture does not produce food, it produces hunger” – Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil. What is more surprising: is there a Brazilian version of Le Monde Diplomatique, or is it Le Monde Lunatique?

“After Lula wins, we can say: did you not like it? Go to Italy” – Cynara Menezes, PT member, pretending not to know that living in Italy is much, much better than living in Cuba.

“We are no longer a concrete jungle, we have the Ibero-American Green Capital award, it is no small thing” – Marta Suplicy, at the time Secretary of International Relations of the city of Sao Paulo. In this vein, Curitiba will still win the Capital of the Summer award.

“I think Jandira Feghali is one of the most beautiful women in the political world in this country” – Preto Zezé, president of the Central Única das Favelas. Where are the check agencies when we need them?

“After this interview, Asheef sent a picture of his penis to our production company” – Vice , a progressive publication, forced to face reality at the end of a report in which it tried to optimistically treat the reintegration of perverts into society.

“I actually had a lot of difficulty deciding my vote. It is worth mentioning that at no time did I consider voting for the current president. Finally, I decided to vote for Lula” – Angélica, the one who is not Xuxa, responding to pressure from Mônica Bergamo, a journalist who is good with the left, for her to declare her vote.

“I really enjoy playing women and I do it very well. I have all the tools I need to play women. I’ve lived a long time as one, people still think I’m one” –

Emma D’Arcy, who plays Rhaenyra Targaryen in the series ‘House of the Dragon’. Emma thinks that if she cuts her hair short and puts on some loose shirts with a tie, she stops being a woman and becomes “non-binary”. She quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck, but is a pigeon. OK.

“If Brazil were only women and black, Lula would have already won”

Maria Flor, actress who started in the soap opera Malhação, supposedly playing an indignant character that she calls “Flor Pistola”. The problem is that her ideology is now indistinguishable from parody.

“No one can be arrested anymore. It’s as if we were all Lula” – Emílio Surita, presenter, on the law that prohibits arrests except in flagrante delicto during election week.

“Unfortunately, not every sports genius knows how to be exemplary like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal in their behavior and in their positions on and off the courts, fields, pools and tracks. Today it became even clearer” – Guga Chacra, journalist, complaining about Neymar’s declaration of vote for Bolsonaro. Voting different from Guga means sporting and character demerit. But others are undemocratic.

“And it will never be Sócrates” – Lucas Faraldo Knopf, journalist, also reacting to Neymar’s vote. Little does Lucas know that such Corinthian democracy was nothing more than a dictatorship commanded precisely by Socrates.

“Neymar is the black man who was ‘accepted’ in the big house and forgot about the brothers in the slave quarters . No surprises” – Rafael Serra, white journalist, defender of the idea that skin color dictates what a person should think.

“ They talk about democracy and a lot of things, but when someone has a different opinion, they are attacked by the very people who talk about democracy. Go understand” – Neymar Jr., soccer player, discovering progressive tactics after declaring vote for Bolsonaro.

Warning: the theme of the corner below is heavy

“Woman, fat, feminist and northeastern. A decolonial body in the territory of colonized knowledge and powers. Researcher, PhD student (UESC)” / “Non-binary person, uses masculine and neuter pronouns. Inventor of words and incendiary of speeches” / “Recent doctor in transversal poetics. It seeks support to carry out a survey of fat artists in Brazil to expand our creative community” – I Congress Pesquisa Gorda, held by UFRJ with support from UFRGS, Unemat etc., describing its speakers. Now it is certain that the Nobel is coming to Brazil!

“It was in body fat where she found a dome that protects her against machismo and all its violence and against oppression by the feminine aesthetics ” – Rosália Vasconcelos, journalist, writing about Juliana Aquino, publicist. Gone are the years when “broad bones” and “metabolism” were the main excuses for obesity itself. What is a hospitalization for Covid compared to the dark machismo, isn’t it?

Corner of the debate-mouth

“Bolsonara Candidate” – Simone Tebet, presidential candidate, in a moment of carelessness when calling the candidate Soraya Thronicke. Soraya is a senator who was from Bolsonaro’s base, and, as he himself told in the debate, asked for positions for him.

“Father Kelman is the Bolsonarista secret weapon, sent to spread disinformation and destabilize ex-president Lula and derail the debate. It worked” – Patricia Campos Mello, journalist and revealer of truisms.

“It is incredible that someone with Lula’s experience falls into a trap like this. Wrong to quarrel with this priest. It is regrettable that we have to watch this pitiful spectacle” – Vera Magalhães, journalist. It is regrettable and regrettable: in addition to being a journalist, Vera is also a poet.

“Is it pure coincidence that an officer in uniform behind Bolsonaro in front of so many photographers? Or was it arranged?” – Eliane Catanhêde, journalist, surprise that the military also have the right to come and go.

“I had to take this bearded man with the rag on his head the slap of the debate” – Barbara Gancia, columnist and defender of democracy.

“This fascist crook disguised as a priest should get out of there arrested for charlatanism , misrepresentation and embezzlement!” – Jean Wyllys, former deputy, current occupation unknown, also defender of democracy.

“The false priest had to be expelled from the debate” – Silvio Almeida, professor, columnist, guru of identity and another defender of democracy.


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