Jeethu Joseph is the director of the Malayalam comedy-drama "Nunakkuzhi," which has Basil Joseph and Grace Antony in the leading roles throughout the film. It is the third time that KR Krishna Kumar has worked with Jeethu Joseph, following...
A great amount of buzz was generated prior to the cinema debut of Ravi Teja's 'Mr Bachchan' on August 15, 2024. The film was directed by Harish Shankar and was highly anticipated by the audience. Despite the efforts of...
As the primary protagonist, Narne Nithin, who is Jr. NTR's brother-in-law, is featured in Aay. The movie was released on August 15, 2024, alongside two other major motion pictures, namely Mr. Bachchan and Double Ismart films. The producers were...
ETV Network, which is owned by the Ramoji Group, has successfully acquired the digital rights for Committee Kurrollu. These rights include both OTT and satellite rights. This film is scheduled to make its premiere on their OTT network, ETV...
Bench Life is a comedy-drama series that is produced in Telugu. It provides a hilarious perspective on the experience of being on the corporate bench, which is a period during which employees find themselves without active initiatives and a...
After acting in the film Shekhar Home, which was produced by Jio Cinema, Kay Kay Menon is gearing up for his next endeavor. It is anticipated that the actor, who is well-known for his outstanding performance on screen, will...
After a very long time, Allu Sirish finally made his debut on the big screen with a one-of-a-kind action-thriller that was directed by Sam Anton. Following several postponements, the film was finally made available to the public on August...
Within the next month, the highly acclaimed Malayalam police thriller Thalavan is going to make its debut on streaming services. During the course of around fifteen weeks, Thalavan resisted the trend by not using any streaming sites. In most...
Recently, Varun Sandesh began his second innings with films such as "Nindha." He surprised everyone with his one-of-a-kind makeover for the film titled "Viraaji," which was released recently. Viraaji, which was written and directed by Adhyanth Harsha, who was...
It has become a frequent occurrence for south phenomenon Dhanush to provide films that are a smashing success at the box office, and his fifty-first film, Raayan, is not an exception to this reality. The most recent feature film...