ZEE5, the popular streaming platform, is gearing up to captivate audiences with its upcoming Hindi web series Maeri. Featuring the talented Sai Deodhar in the lead role, this emotionally charged thriller promises to be a gripping exploration of a...
On International Firefighters Day, celebrated annually on May 4, Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Excel Entertainment unveiled an intriguing poster of their upcoming film, Agni. From that moment, the film sparked immense curiosity and anticipation among fans, leaving them...
The highly anticipated Tamil web series "Parachute" is set to premiere on Disney+ Hotstar on November 29, 2024. The series promises an emotional roller-coaster, blending suspense, drama, and heartwarming moments. With a stellar cast and a captivating storyline, "Parachute"...
Telugu and Tamil audiences are in for a treat with the upcoming mystery thriller “Vikkatakavi: The Chronicles of Amaragiri”, which is set to premiere on ZEE5 starting November 28, 2024. This period drama combines the allure of folklore, the...
After its spectacular theatrical run, the Dulquer Salmaan starrer “Lucky Baskhar” is all set to make its debut on the OTT platform. Fans who missed watching the movie in theaters can now enjoy this gripping crime drama at their...
Kiran Abbavaram’s latest film, ‘KA,’ has captivated audiences since its theatrical release on October 31, 2024. The fantasy thriller hit theaters during the Diwali festive season, competing with major films like ‘Amaran’ and ‘Lucky Bhaskar.’ Despite the tough competition,...
Prime Video’s much-awaited original series, Waack Girls, is set to premiere on November 22, 2024. A nine-episode drama directed by the acclaimed Padma Shri awardee Sooni Taraporevala, the series brings an exciting blend of dance, passion, and self-discovery. Available...
The much-anticipated romantic drama Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar is all set to grace the OTT screens, premiering on Disney+ Hotstar on November 22, 2024. Directed by the talented Shraddha Pasi Jayarath, the series promises to deliver a soul-stirring narrative...
The Malayalam film industry has been buzzing with excitement following the OTT release of Ajayante Randam Moshanam (ARM) on Disney+ Hotstar on November 8, 2024. Fans are now eagerly awaiting the streaming release of Kishkindha Kaandam, another thriller starring...
ZEE5, known for delivering compelling regional content, is set to release Paithani, a heartfelt series that celebrates the strength of family bonds, especially the enduring love and resilience between a mother and daughter. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Gajendra Ahire,...