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Young votes for Democratic candidates give Republicans narrow victory

Os eleitores votam na Central School em Kent, Ohio, EUA, 08 de novembro de 2022.
Voters vote at the Central School in Kent, Ohio, USA , of November 2022. | Photo: EFE

Republicans are on the cusp of winning a majority in the House of Representatives, but Democrats held up better than expected, and control of the Senate remains in dispute. The first results of the midterm elections in the United States gave mixed results on Tuesday night (8). The expected Republican wave did not materialize and the Democratic defeat seems to have been partially contained. Counting that continues, and can last several days in some states, can still skew the results in favor of one side or the other. Meanwhile, the main trends draw the political map of a country divided between two camps.

The interim results overturned predictions about the midterms. The first was a lower Democrat mobilization in relation to the Republicans. The second was a massive flight of so-called “undecided” or “independent” voters to the Republican Party. The third was that of an absolute mastery of the topic of inflation and an exhaustion of commitment to abortion.

Young voters, born at the beginning of the years 2000, are identified as the main responsible for such a narrow victory for the Republicans, for having opted for Democratic candidates. There is, for example, Maura Healey, the first lesbian woman elected governor of Massachusetts. Wes Moore, a newcomer to politics and Maryland’s first black governor. Or Maxwell Frost, only 25 years old, elected to the House of Representatives in the Orlando, Florida region. He is an advocate of abortion and gun restrictions. The cancellation of part of the student debt was an important message from the White House in late August to young voters.