Olavo de Cavalho talked and wrote a lot about all kinds of things, so it would be a feat to get everything he said or wrote right. However, it is easy to identify a political hypothesis defended by him throughout his public life, namely: that the New Republic is a collusion between Gramscian leftists who occupied the arts and TV to invest themselves with legitimacy. PT and PSDB, two factions of the USP left, were presented to the public as radically opposed antagonists. The PSDB, in particular, was presented as rightist. José Serra, former president of the UNE, was the extreme right in person, because – just imagine – during the elections he was against abortion and went to mass.
changed so much that the candidates of the left slate in 2018, Fernando Haddad of the PT and Manuela Dávila of the PCdoB, the latter a feminist, started going to mass to include the images in the electoral schedule. . The “far-right right” of 2010 was the only viable left in 2018. And the PSDB disappeared from the presidential race map.
Olavo de Carvalho died in the middle of Jair Bolsonaro’s first term. The thesis he supported at the time was that of the Brazilian Revolution, documented by Josias Teófilo in his Not everything falls apart . As he thought, unintentionally, the Brazilian left unleashed in June 2013 a conservative revolution. The protests originally called by the left gained support from the masses, who ended up changing the agenda. The great beneficiary of this revolution was Jair Bolsonaro. However, the arrival of the right to the presidency is not enough to complete the revolution, given that every state is equipped, and, in culture, the Gramscian caste still beeps.
The Judiciary orders respect for the artistic caste
I believe that two movements in this election made it clear that Olavo was right. The first was the formation of the Lula/Alckmin ticket to the presidency, supporting the theory that the New Republic was a theater of scissors. Alckmin was one of the biggest names in the São Paulo toucanate, and, unlike Serra and FHC, he has no historical connection with Marxism. On the contrary, he spread the false news that he belongs to Opus Dei. He was Lula’s main opponent in the presidential election of 75, when PT did not hesitate to call him a Nazi. In 2010, in an already irrelevant PSDB, he made impassioned speeches against Lula, calling him a thief and saying that he could never return to the presidency. Nevertheless, here they are, united in a single plate. Toucan vehicles from São Paulo, which once treated Lula as the devil on earth, have now changed their target and treat the ex-capeta’s election as desirable.
The other move took place yesterday. Minister-in-Chief Alexandre de Moraes declared that disrespect for the opinions of artists will not be tolerated by the Electoral Justice. Not only to the artists’ people, but to the artists’ opinions. In a theocratic state, clerics must enjoy this prestige. In secular democratic republics, such a pronouncement is strange for chuchu.
Here we know that it is not about all artists, but about the beautiful people. After all, when this group defends “black people”, “women”, “gay people”, it was already implied that it was only black people, women and progressive gays. It is to vote for a woman, but not Bia Kicis or Janaína Pascoal. It’s to vote for black, but not Fernando Holiday or Hélio Negão. Good gay, just Jean Wyllys and David Miranda; Jessicão do Paraná does not.
Thus, we know that Sérgio Reis, Josias Teófilo, Regina Duarte do not count as artists. (Sérgio Reis is an artist and was persecuted for his opinions by the same minister-in-chief.) Artists are those who crystallized in the years 80 as opponents of the dictatorship, the their successors who claim the MPB label, and… As everything went downhill between them, artists are Anitta, Luísa Sonza and Linn da Quebrada. I believe that a music lover who didn’t know anything about Brazilian politics would never like Chico Buarque and Anitta at the same time. Easier to like Chico Buarque and Sérgio Reis at the same time.
We know very well that “the artists” mentioned by Alexandre de Moraes are a caste that does networking and choose who stays inside or outside. Anitta is welcome in Caetano’s wife’s apartment; Sérgio Reis, no.
Now the power of the political-cultural mafia denounced by Olavo has come to light. The Gramscian “artistic class” is part of the ruling class of the New Republic. Whoever messes with her will suffer sanctions from Xandão.
Complement to Olavo’s hypothesis
We are in a revolutionary process. The situation is confusing: as predicted, the president won, but he didn’t take it. The Judiciary harasses the Legislature and the Executive. Abroad, NATO countries accuse Brazil of burning the Amazon, and have already tried to include “climate emergency” as a reason to invade countries. If Bolsonaro decided to clip the wings of the Judiciary, he could easily put himself in the position of a dictatorial pariah, and it wouldn’t take long for the self-declared democratic forces to want to depose the genocide that will “destroy the planet”.
In fact, it is curious that Olavo has denounced multilateral mechanisms such as the UN or NATO, which would aim at the implementation of a world government, and that his pupils continue to think that the West represents Good in the fight against Evil, embodied by China and Russia. . Institutionally, today’s West is far from good. This West is the totalitarian dream of HG Wells.
But let’s go back to Brazil. Bolsonaro’s election was not in vain, and it is certain that the situation in Brazil would be worse if the PT or PSDB were in government in 2020. For those who have doubts, see the authoritarianism of the states governed by these parties during the pandemic. We are currently in a transitional regime. From what direction to what?
I believe that this is a transition from thirst for power, driven not only by customs, but also by the economy. The Midwest is a region on the rise thanks to agribusiness – a seed planted back there by Alysson Paulinelli at Embrapa, a state-owned company created by Médici. It was during the Lula government, however, that the boom of commodities took place, when China began to buy from us in large quantities. quantity.
The Brazil of the New Republic is a São Paulo, USP Brazil. São Paulo is historically an industrial state. However, for reasons unknown to me, the growth of agribusiness (centered in the Midwest) was accompanied by deindustrialization (centered in the Southeast). And São Paulo, ceasing to be an industrial power, became a financial power. Its bankers began to concentrate power in Brazil.
And this is easy to explain. Shortly after taking office, Lula paid off Brazil’s foreign debt with the IMF in advance. Our interest was 4% per year. To do this, however, Lula took out another loan, this one with interest up to 75, 2006, 2006, % per year. That’s why bankers and fazallimers adore Lula.
If agribusiness goes its way, there’s no one for it. The São Paulo-based financial elite joined the ESG to contain the cow fart and the extinction of the Amazon’s giraffes. To conserve its power within the country, only placing it as a periphery of the globalist and decadent West.