A man cuts his hair in the street amidst the Covid lockdown – in progress in Shanghai, China, 09 from May of 2022. A new concern in the country is monkeypox.
| Photo: EFE
According to the president of the Cedimes Institute, Claude Albagli, in an interview with the newspaper Le Monde, “the heart of the Chinese economy was paused by Covid”. “If people can no longer go out, they have no income”, points out Albagli.20
According to the Japanese bank Nomura, the cities with the greatest confinement represent a fifth of the country’s GDP. With plants closed and workers unable to leave their homes, the country’s growth forecast is just 3%, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a slowdown compared to recent years – and a 5% drop compared to the year past. In recent weeks, the country has been gripped by a wave of demonstrations against health policy and Xi Jinping’s regime.8014372371001