The upcoming film ‘Run Baby Run,’ which stars RJ Balaji and Aishwarya Rajesh, is scheduled to be made available on over-the-top (OTT) platforms on March 10. This Jiyen Krishnakumar-helmed film is an action-thriller that chronicles the life of a banker named Satya, who gets into difficulty after medical college student Tara unexpectedly enters his life. The film was written by Jiyen Krishnakumar. The motion picture will soon be streamable on Disney websites.
Run Baby Run OTT Release Date
Run Baby Run is all set to hit the ott space on Hotstar on March 10, 2023, with Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam audios.
Everyone was surprised when the producers of Run Baby Run announced that the host-turned-actor RJ Balaji would be playing the lead part in the thriller film directed by Jiyen Krishnakumar. Prior to this role, RJ Balaji had primarily starred in comedy. It has been decided that Jiyen Krishnakumar will direct the movie. On February 3, the film was finally shown in theatres for the first time, and viewers had a wide range of responses to it when it first started playing.
When and Where to Watch Run Baby Run
Run Baby Run locks the ott release and this thrill will be premiered on 10 March 2023 on Hotstar.
Second, the film features RJ Balaji in a part that is strikingly distinct from any other that he has portrayed in his career up to this point.
If you are a fan of RJ Balaji’s sense of humor and his signature style of sharp retorts that are laced with wit, and you are hoping to enjoy some of those in this film, you may be in for some disappointment. The film does not contain RJ Balaji’s signature style of sharp retorts that are laced with.
What’s the story of Run Baby Run
The events of Run Baby Run begin with the protagonist, Sophie (Smruthi Venkat), taking her own life and committing suicide by jumping off a tall building. Next, we meet Sathya (RJ Balaji), a man who is engaged to be married to Isha Talwar and who works at a bank. Sathya is quite excited about their wedding. While he is out on a drive with his fiance, he discovers that Thara (played by Aishwarya Rajesh) is hiding somewhere in his vehicle.
After that, she follows him to his house and blackmails him into letting her in on the pretense that she is in serious difficulty. After giving it a lot of thought, Sathya decides to let her inside, only to discover the next day that she had been murdered. When he makes the effort to get rid of her remains, he finds himself in a difficult predicament. The remaining portions of the movie include responses to a number of questions pertaining to Thara, Sathya, and Sophie.
Cast & Crew of Run Baby Run
The film also features G Madan’s editing and Veeramani Ganesan’s art direction. The highlights of the film include an excellent background score composed by Sam CS that takes some of the more difficult moments to a higher level and the pleasant visuals created by S Yuva. Arun S. Mani was in charge of the sound design for the film, and R. Sakthi Saravanan was one in charge of choreographing the action sequences.
Jiyen Krishnakumar, who wrote the script and directed the film, had a strong narrative and built it up gradually. Within the opening few minutes of the movie, we are presented with a variety of various occurrences, which raises a lot of issues.
As the plot develops, the answers to these questions will become available. The suspense that builds up over the first half of the movie is what makes it a lot of fun to watch. Nonetheless, there will be times when viewers will need to suspend their disbelief in order to trust the wild coincidences. For instance, in one of the scenes, RJ Balaji’s character Sathya has a premonition that he will get into difficulty if he permits Thara to continue staying at her house.
Nonetheless, he makes the decision to carry it out regardless, and he isn’t even going to bother checking to see if she departs. This is reasoned out in the second half of the article, but it does not convince the reader.