Quotes of the Week: “This country has never had a government that cared about education”


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O então presidente Lula com o então ministro da educação Fernando Haddad: “Este país nunca teve um governo que se preocupasse com a educação” .

The then president Lula with the then education minister Fernando Haddad: “This country has never had a government that was concerned with education”.| Photo: MEC

“It’s better, even though it’s a rogue” – Marcola, CEO of the PCC, expressing support the squid. Marcola’s statement was censored by Minister Alexandre de Moraes. Which subsequently censored the news of censorship. Crazy thing!

“I would rather have rigged ballot boxes than the people electing fascists” – Márcia Tiburi , philosopher, mistreating the Portuguese language and opening wide the authoritarian mentality of the left , for which “democracy” is just a cute little word used to fool Muggles.

“Surveys did not detect as many votes as Jair would have, because, basically, Jair’s supporters are people who lie, dissimulated, dark, closeted people” – Rosana Hermann , screenwriter. In the Manichean script created by her, the Bolsonaristas (this entity that became Geni on the left) deliberately deceived the poor research institutes. By the way, bad movie script.

“She lives in the back of her mother-in-law’s house and gets beaten up by her husband, but yesterday she voted at the 21 because he said it” – Orlando Guerreiro, who identifies himself only as “artist”. Nothing like a victory for conservative Brazil in the House and Senate to awaken the “machismo do bem” of Lulopetismo.

“Alckmin was put as an expression of an anti-Bolsonaro democratic front. At no time were liberal ideas incorporated into the government plan” – Guilherme Boulos, during an interview with Roda Viva. It seems that Boulos got too excited about the fact that he got his first job at 24 years old and ended up talking more than should.

“Does not work” – PT, a far-left party, advising the militancy not to call Bolsonaro genocidal.

“Today the FC of 88 would make 21 years” – Mauricio Bunazar, lawyer, in a phrase that brilliantly summarizes the legal chaos in Brazil. By the way, the birthday was on October 5th.

“Faced with the alternatives, I will vote for Lula. And, for the same reason, in São Paulo, my vote will be for Tarcísio de Freitas” – José Serra, former senator and defeated candidate for the Chamber, lighting a candle to God and another to the devil. Not that Lula is God and Tarcísio the devil, in this analogy. It was just to use the popular saying. Ah, you understand.

“There is a past that waits for Peru to rise” – Mario Vargas Llosa, writer, in an interview with Estadão. The 5th grade that lives in me greets the 5th grade that lives in you.

“The people who are illiterate became illiterate because this country never had a government that cared about education.”

Squid, ex-convict, campaigning alongside former education minister Fernando Haddad. Lula forgot that the PT ruled Brazil from 2002 The 2016, in a disastrous administration that contributed for the country to present the terrible educational indices of today.

“In a state of exception, unfortunately, what counts is the logic of war” – Letícia Cesarino, anthropologist, justifying the use of fake news by the left. Anything goes to fight bolsonarismo. All. Until I close my eyes to the fake news from the left, right, Alexandre?


“I’m waiting for you at the National Congress” – Augusto de Arruda Botelho, anti-lavajatist lawyer defeated at the polls, to Sergio Moro, former Lava Jato judge victorious at the polls. Who gloated over the lawyer was also the now federal deputy Deltan Dallagnol. On Twitter, he advised Botelho to… look for a job at Odebrecht.

“Be wary of non-traditional research with results that differs from all others. By the way, today has DATAFOLHA!!! Experience, correction, security and the best information” – Mônica Bergamo , journalist, defending tooth and nail the institute that “only” got it wrong in practically all the states of the federation.

“Note: PT voters will simply ignore the bureaucratic decision and vote for Deputy Marcelo Freixo: the next governor of Rio de Janeiro. And the senator with the most votes will be Alessandro Molon. And Bolsonaro will be defeated in the 1st. shift” – João Cezar de Castro Rocha, literary critic and stunt double for a political scientist. Marcelo Freixo was not elected, Molon was in the way and we will have a second round. But, considering the margin of error of Datafolha, Ipec and the like, João Cézar is an excellent political analyst.

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