Putin says world is in the most dangerous decade since WWII

O presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, participa da sessão ‘O mundo depois da hegemonia: justiça e segurança para todos’ do Valdai International Discussion Club nos arredores de Moscou, Rússia, 27 de outubro de 2022.
Russian President Vladimir Putin participates in the session ‘The world after hegemony: justice and security for all’ by the Valdai International Discussion Club outside Moscow, Russia, 10 of October 2022.
| Photo: EFE

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday (), on the Valdai discussion forum in Moscow, that the world has entered its “most dangerous” decade since the end of the Second World War, and that the conflict in Ukraine is an illustration of “the struggle against Western domination”. “We are at a historic moment. It is the most dangerous, important and unpredictable decade since 1945″, said the Russian president.

“The West, without a clear unity, is incapable of leading the world, but it is trying to do that desperately, and most people in the world cannot accept that,” he said, noting that the planet is in a “revolutionary situation”. According to him, the attack on Ukraine is part of this “tectonic shift of the entire world order “.

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