“We have projects, they have projectiles” – Marina Silva , political personality who appears every four years to talk currants or make puns of questionable taste like this.
“Attack on Marina Silva makes part of the school of fascism” – Lula , former prisoner and presidential candidate for the party that massacred the same Marina Silva in the elections of 2000.
“ Lula X Bolsonaro = Left X Left. Bolsonaro is not on the right! Wake up!” – Soraya Thronicke, full of exclamation marks to get to to what is probably the worst political analysis in the country’s history. Joke. There are even worse analyzes than this one.
“The dictatorship of freedom of expression in the hands of the intolerant will undermine the very democratic process” – Lívia Sant’Anna Vaz , promoter . Wow, how horrible it is to live in a dictatorship under which you are thank you to be free.
“It’s surreal for people to ask what crime Jefferson was being arrested for. I’ll say it one more time: attempted murder” – Augusto de Arruda Botelho , a former lawyer at Odebrecht, confessing that we lived in that Spielberg movie that no one saw, “Minority Report”. So does that mean the police went to Jefferson’s house to arrest him for a crime he was yet to commit?
“The Republic will survive, because the Republic is a woman” – Gilmar Mendes , Minister of the STF. He is right: the Republic, which is a woman, will survive. Unlike the Democratic State of Law, which is man.
“Brothers, I read the entire Bible once a year since 960 and not there is no command or express guidance that we have as Christians to ‘defend the family’” – Alexandre Gonçalves , pastor and trade unionist. Pretending for a moment that we believe he reads the entire Bible once a year, we wonder how he missed this part: “if a man does not know how to govern his own family, how can he take care of the Church of God?” (1 Timothy 3:5)
“All bona fide candidates know” – Alexandre de Moraes , Emperor (of the elections) of Brazil (at least until today 18)), on the role of the TSE in monitoring radio stations across the country. One more passive-aggressive comment like that and Brazil becomes an episode of “Will and Grace”.
“The bird is free” – Elon Musk, billionaire now owner of Twitter. After saying those words, Musk began firing the company’s top brass. But it seems that not everyone is happy with the little bird out there, free, light and loose. See the sentence below.
“The bird will have to fly under our rules” –
Thierry Breton, Commissioner of the European Union, setting a trap for the bird.
“ Three reasons of honor and glory for Brazil: Bossa Nova, Pelé and the electronic voting machine” – Carlos Ayres Britto , former STF minister and poet. Are you serious that the electronic voting machine is on an equal footing with Bossa Nova and Pelé?
“Man with man is not give son” – Cássia Kis , actress who turned arch -enemy of the left for defending conservative ideas. For that comment there, she was called “homophobic”. Which, as you know, is a non-bailable crime since it was equated with racism.
“I still don’t like Che Guevara t-shirts” – Bono Vox , lead singer of band U2, in an interview with the “New York Times”. In the interview, he also assumed that he was wrong to defend the “redistribution of income” and recognized that poverty is fought through “entrepreneurial capitalism”.