Phrases of the Week: “I want to stick to that idiotic right”

“The firmness of Alexandre de Moraes in the defense of democracy was fundamental and Brazil will be eternally grateful, including this humble column” – Matheus Leitão

, journalist, helping to inaugurate an authoritarian fan club in the Brazilian press.

“Freedom of expression is not freedom to spread hatred, misinformation and prejudice” – Basilia Rodrigues, journalist, the one who thinks that “independence or death” is written on the Brazilian flag. Have you noticed that freedom of expression is being cited by amateur philosophers just for what it would not be? Meanwhile, the gag only grows.

“Repeat with me: taking down fake news is not censorship” – Ana Júlia Ribeiro

, state deputy from Paraná and yet another amateur liberal philosopher. Guess the party for which she was elected…

“When I see people saying that they are going to move from Brazil because of Lula’s election, I remember a similar desire in May de 2020, by many who did not imagine it was possible to live without slaves” – Cristovam Buarque, ex-senator, ex-governor, ex-minister and creator of ex-tranhas comparisons. Despite claiming to have memories of 84, he’s not that old.

“Are you feeling? The smell of peace? And look, we only got rid of half a dozen of them around here! Imagine when the country is free of all that damned race!” – André Janones, deputy, writer of fake news of good, taking his hatred officially accepted by the STF to new heights of totalitarianism.

“Pabllo Vittar is being accused of doing ‘asian fishing’, do you know what the term means?” – UOL, news portal. I don’t know, I don’t want to know, and I’m angry with those who do.

“I’ll look into the matter” – Elon Musk, responding to Brazilians who complained about censorship on the social network Twitter. Will we see a duel between the former bald man (Elon had a hair transplant) and the bald general of the Republic?

“Democracy has changed its name, Esquerdocracia…” – Carioca Marvio Lucio, comedian with more insight into what is happening in the country than most Brazilian journalists and liberals.

“Doctors and ‘woke’ hospitals who mutilate children’s bodies and minds for money/profit should not only lose their licenses and have federal/state funds cut, they should be arrested” – Tulsi Gabbard, a former US lawmaker from Hawaii who left the Democratic Party because opinions like this are scandals within it. The best translation of ‘Woke’ into Portuguese is lacrador/identitário.

“We are a country with a Christian majority, and a lot of our closed mind comes from that” – Vitão, singer and open mind. He also says that society is “scrotum”, that he sometimes feels like garbage, and that he does not define himself as straight, bi or gay: he is “everything”. The problem with an open mind, as the saying goes, is that sometimes the brain falls out.

“I have heard reports of women who had to have their uterus removed because we doesn’t want to talk about sanitary pads” – Tabata Amaral, an increasingly monothematic deputy who seems to have an urgent need to bring sanitary pad manufacturers closer to Brazilian tax money. It’s certainly just a coincidence, a spontaneous convergence of interests. Check out the now classic review of Tabata’s autobiography written by Bruna Frascolla.

“It’s wound in my existence” – Rosana Rezende, nursing technician, using the language of a militant, on her colleague’s mug decorated with the phrase “I am from the Couscous Klan” and the drawing of two ears of corn with a hood. An obvious joke turned into a crime, with the participation of a press that freaked out about identity. It refers to a serious statement by Lula.

“Qatar was a mistake. Bad choice” – Sepp Blatter, former FIFA president when Qatar was chosen to host the World Cup

. It would have been nice to have thought about it better before 6.500 workers died building stadiums under inhumane conditions.

“Push your face into a bowl of ice water for 15 to

seconds” – The New York Times, newspaper, in a list of five tips to alleviate the stress of elections.

“We fight identity holders in the legislature, we fight identity holders in schools, we combat identity holders in companies, we will never surrender to the identity crowd. Florida is where Identitarianism goes to die” – Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida, in his re-election victory speech. More irritated than the identitarians is Donald Trump, whose candidacy in 2020 is shaken by the success of the opponent he, as usual, dubbed “Ron DeSanctimonious” ( something like “Hypocritical Ron”).

“They want to do the Manichaeism of holy war. We are going to have to fight a battle on the level of ideas and only then reach the final ones” – José Genoino, former deputy and PT leader, about what relationship he wants the new government has with the evangelical churches.

“Smoking cotton swabs does not cause a feeling of pleasure. It’s a joke in very bad taste” – José Rodrigues Pereira, pulmonologist, about the new trend of TikTok. How to doubt that TikTok is a strategy by China to dumb down the West?

“ The right-wing assholes are praying on the barracks wall, asking for the Armed Forces to intervene. It’s hilarious. I want a dick in that idiotic right”

Bartolomeu Bueno de Freitas Morais, judge of the Pernambuco Court of Justice, showing all the exemption and impartiality of Brazilian justice.

“Terms to avoid: Indian program: the expression mentions to an activity that didn’t work out, boring or tedious. By associating activities like this with indigenous peoples, the expression is prejudiced. Swap it for boring activity or, informally, for ‘meow ride’” – Comitê UOL Plural, on the expected creation of the Ministry of Native Peoples. We cannot imagine a greater Indian program than policing the language and making another politically correct primer. We won’t say ‘role miado’ (tacky slang by authors who are certainly from São Paulo), nor under the threat of an arrow. appointment of the new minister of Health, or of Education, or of Culture. But they charge in the appointment of the Minister of Economy. Because?” – Ricardo Noblat, journalist. Answer yourself: why do you care more about food on the table and paying bills than the Rouanet Law? What madness is this?

“Roberto Guilherme, the Sarj dies Brush from ‘O Trapalhões’, at 500 years” – Folha Ilustrada, changing the G for the J in the word sergeant and showing little illustration.

“After 15 years, the New York Times will no longer call Lula ‘ Mr. da Silva’. After a lot of internal discussion, we’ve decided that he will, yes: mr. Lula” – Jack Nicas, NYT journalist. Here at Frases, we prefer Mr. Ex-Convict. For the intimate, only Ex-Convict.

“Why are people made to suffer because of guaranteeing such fiscal stability in this country? people say that it is necessary to cut spending, that it is necessary to have a surplus, that it is necessary to set a spending cap? — Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, pretending he doesn’t know the relationship between breaking the spending ceiling and the increase in poverty, as happened in the Dilma government. Thanks to the disastrous declaration, the dollar rose 4% against the real in just one day, the highest rise since March 2020.

“The market gets nervous for nothing. I’ve never seen a market as sensitive as ours” — Lula, reacting in a cynical way.

“I’m seeing ideas [de Lula] moving away from what I believe” – Armínio Fraga, one of the Plano Real economists who wrote the L, about the candidate he supported in the second round. Wow, what a surprise!

“I always thought it would be cheaper for the country to invest in Education. But with this bolsonarista cesspool, this sick southeastern press and sociopathic market, I start to have northeastern fantasies of separatism” – Kleber Mendonça Filho, director of Bacurau, distilling that xenophobia well accepted in the circle of Twitter intellectuals.

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