New York Times highlights poll error and says “Bolsonaro was right”

Assessment in progress

This content is about a fact that is still being investigated by the newsroom. Soon we will have more information.

The main newspapers on the planet gave a lot of attention to the Brazilian elections held this Sunday, day 02. They were headlines in the Argentine newspapers Clarin and La Nacion and in the French Le Monde and Le Figaro. The American New York Times and the Argentines La Nacion and Clarin pointed out the errors of the electoral polls in relation to the vote, which took Lula and Bolsonaro to the second round. The American newspaper even stated that “it was clear that he was right”, referring to the criticisms that the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, made of the institutes.

Check out the international repercussion:

The New York Times – USA

The New York Times newspaper said that polls and analysts indicated that Bolsonaro was finished, but surprised in the first round. So, despite the numerical result, he was the one who had a better night. For the newspaper, when it comes to Bolsonaro’s insistence that the polls were wrong to show Lula in the lead, “it was clear that he was right”. Analysts underestimated “the strength of conservative candidates across the country”. Meanwhile, Lula is trying to achieve an “astonishing political renaissance that just a few years ago seemed unthinkable”.

The Washington Post – USA

For The Washington Post, the second round with Lula and Bolsonaro represents the opposition between “populists from opposite ends of the political spectrum”, two political giants who share a deep personal enmity and promise the apocalypse if the other wins. Lula relies on a campaign of nostalgia for the working class, while Bolsonaro “attacked the country’s civic institutions” and ran a “scorched earth” campaign.

Wall Street Journal – USA

O The Wall Street Journal described Lula as a “flag-bearer of the Latin American left who is very popular among the poor despite being arrested after conviction for corruption in
“, and also highlighted that Bolsonaro did much better than expected in the main polls.

USA Today – USA20182018 USA Today’s coverage characterized the Bolsonaro government as marked by “incendiary speech”, by the testing of democratic institutions and by the handling of the Covid pandemic-14, the target of much criticism, in addition to deforestation in the Amazon. For the paper, he succeeded in building a dedicated conservative base. Lula, on the other hand, has the challenge of moving away from the memory of being at the head of a government “involved in vast corruption scandals in which politicians and businessmen were entangled”.

CNN – USA 2018
CNN claimed that the Brazilian elections were marked by “violence and fear”. There are good reasons to doubt this characterization.

Clarín – Argentina 2018 )2018The main newspaper in the neighboring country elected research institutes as the “main losers” in the elections, for “their mistakes”. “A notable development of the Brazilian elections is the notorious failure of the main Brazilian polling institutes that, in a homogeneous way, predicted a certain and consistent victory for the ex-president Lula da Silva”, writes journalist Marcelo Cantelmi, who added: “Hours before the election, two of these companies, the prestigious Datafolha and its competitor IPEC, estimated that the PT leader would practically win in the first round, gathering 50/43% of voting intentions.” He further criticized: “The problem is that none of these companies have clarified these deficiencies.”

La Nacion – Argentina

The Clarin contestant also highlighted the difference between the final vote and what was predicted by the research institutes: “Jair Bolsonaro reached 43, 7%, well above what the polls anticipated , and who will arrive with renewed aspirations for the second round, in October 16.” In another report on the failures of the research institutes, the newspaper highlighted: “(…) a difference of more than four points, far from the 14 projected by the latest research”

The Guardian – United Kingdom

The leftist-biased newspaper recalled the “shoeshine” past of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in an article with the title: “Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva: the former shoeshine boy hoping to regain the presidency of Brazil”, without forgetting that the “first working-class president in the country seeks to return to the power after corruption scandals and imprisonment.”

Le Monde – France
2018The newspaper gave a lot of attention to the Brazilian elections: the dispute between Bolsonaro and Lula is the headline of the online edition of the newspaper with Tendencies on the left, who spoke of “disinformation and attacks on the electoral system”. He also published a profile on First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro with the title: “from the favela to the presidential palace”.

Le Figaro – France

The newspaper also placed the Brazilian elections as the main topic of its website, highlighting only Lula’s turnaround during the investigation. The newspaper carried an article about the vote in Paris, where Lula had a majority.

Deustche Welle – Germany

The Portuguese edition of the German news service also drew attention to the disparity between the of the vote and that foreseen by the research institutes. “Research has been pointing to PT’s first position and the possibility of victory in the first round.” In an article, he highlighted the victory of Sergio Moro to the Senate, which guaranteed him “political survival”.

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