Nagarjuna’s latest hit, Naa Saami Ranga,” is all set to hit the OTT space. Vijay Binni directed the period action drama film. Nagarjuna, Ashika Ranganath, Allari Naresh, and Raj Tarun play the main parts. MM Keeravani was the composer of the film’s music. The movie is a true copy of the Malayalam picture, Porinju Mariam Jose.
Naa Saami Ranga OTT Release Date
Naa Saami Ranga is set to premiere on Hotstar on 17 February 2024.
When and Where to Watch Naa Saami Ranga
You can watch this period action drama on 17 February 2024 on Hotstar.
The remake of the Malayalam film Porinju Mariam Jose was considered for direction by a number of different individuals. There were significant rumors that writer Prasanna Kumar Bezawada, who was assigned the duty to work on the Telugu adaptation, would be making his debut as a filmmaker with the film Naa Saami Ran.
However, the choreographer Vijay Binni was ultimately the one who was tasked with taking on the role. His first picture as a director is now under production. Allari Naresh and Raj Tharun will be seen in the film playing the roles of Nagarjuna’s buddies, which is an intriguing combination. Throughout the Sankranthi season, Nagarjuna has shown a great deal of success in his performances.
Naa Saami Ranga Movie Story
While Kistayya’s (Nagarjuna) family is going through a difficult time, President Peddayya (Nasser) comes to their aid in Ambajipeta village. A devotee of Kistayya, Mahalaxmi, also known as Varalu (Ashika Ranganath), is devoted to her. On the other hand, an unanticipated occurrence forces them apart. Shabeer Kallarakkal’s portrayal of Dasu, Peddayya’s son, intends to harm Kistayya and Allari Naresh’s character, Anji, who plays his brother. What is the reason for the competition? What led to the breakup of Varalu and Kistayya? What is the relationship between Bhaskar (Raj Tarun) and the narrative? This movie has all of the solutions.
Cast and crew of Naa Saami Ranga
Akkineni Nagarjuna, an actor, plays the lead role in the movie “Naa Saami Ranga. Ashika Ranganath will play the female lead, and Naresh, and Raj Tarun will play key roles. The movie’s creators have not yet made a public announcement about the other actors who will be in it.
The director of the movie “Naa Saami Ranga” is Vijay Binni. Srinivasaa Chitturi is in charge of making this movie under the Srinivasaa Silver Screen name. MM Keeravani scored the music.
The everlasting allure of Nagarjuna, which is enhanced by his widespread appeal and remarkable appearance, continues to be a source of constant influence. Fans take pleasure in his delivery of lines and his presence on film, as he gives a satisfactory portrayal in the character of an older brother who is loyal to Nasser. However, his performance is not particularly noteworthy.
Even though she is aware that she will be playing a character that is significantly older than she is, Ashika Ranganathan deserves praise for giving her approval to carry out this endeavor. With her stunning good looks and impressive acting skills, the actress captivates the audience, and she shines most in the sequences in which she appears beside Nagarjuna.
Not only does Allari Naresh entertain, but she also makes an impression that stays with you, particularly in the second half. MM Keeravaani makes a significant contribution with his music, which successfully establishes the appropriate emotional tones. Both the pre-climax and the climax moments are well-designed, which contributes to the overall attractiveness of the film, and the supporting cast offers satisfactory performances.
Vijay Binni, making his debut as a director, does a good job of handling the film, but he might have done a better job of grabbing the audience’s attention by putting more effort into writing an engaging screenplay. It might have been possible for Prasanna Kumar, the author, to focus more on the enhancement of the plot.
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Through the use of his amazing background score, MM Keeravaani lifts several moments, successfully capturing the appropriate mood for love, action, and melancholy. The film’s appealing cinematography and editing, which also contribute to the production values, raise the film’s quality. Additionally deserving of praise for the significant achievements it has made is the art department.