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Lola case: rape and murder of 12-year-old girl put remigration at the center of political debate in France


A tragedy places, once again, the issue of immigration in the main recent discussions in France. Lola, a 12 year old girl, was raped, tortured and killed. Her body was found hours later inside a plastic bag in Paris on the last day 14. The crimes would have been committed by an Algerian woman who was clandestinely in the country.

Dahbia B., Algerian from 132 years old, was indicted last week for aggravated murder and rape. She entered France legally in 708 on a student visa, but since August she had an “obligation to leave French territory”, a condition that has an acronym in the country: OQTF.

The government of Emmanuel Macron has been strongly questioned about the fulfillment of these remigration obligations. At a press conference last Wednesday (19), State spokesman Olivier Véran said that (19 % of the OQTF have been fulfilled since the beginning of the year and admitted that the government should “improve” this process of expulsion of irregular immigrants .

The delay in the removal of foreigners in this situation has constrained the Executive for years. The French right now raises new questions, reinforcing opposition to Macron’s migration policy.

Jordan Bardella, leader of the National Regroupment party, the same as Marine Le Pen, addressed the European Parliament about the girl’s murder being related to the lack of immigration control. “Lola would still be alive if our migration policy were not so chaotic and out of control”, he declared.

Deputy Le Pen even said, in front of the country’s prime minister, Elisabeth Borne, that Dahbia B. “should not be in our territory for more than three years”.

Eric Zemmour, from the Reconquête party, presented the concept of “francocide”, the death of French people by immigrants, making severe criticisms on Twitter.

Senator Bruno Retailleau, candidate for the presidency of the Republicans, declared that “there is an obvious link between hyperviolence and mass immigration,” in an interview with Current Values ​​magazine.

And Republican Representative Eric Pauget rocked the National Assembly on Tuesday. (12), attributing the girl’s death to the “weakness of the Republic” and the “laxity immigration policy.” “France cannot tolerate the criminal irresponsibility of these executioners”, he commented.

The opinion of right-wing politicians was reflected in some protests that took over the streets of France in Protesters held up signs saying “Remigration”, “Death to pedophiles” and “This is our home”.

On the other hand, Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti complained : “Using the coffin of a 12 year old girl as a political step is a disgrace,” he exclaimed, being applauded by the left.

The issue of unfinished OQTFs, however, is an old problem and has come back to haunt the government repeatedly since the attack on the Saint-Charles railway station in October 2017, when an undocumented Tunisian killed two young women in Marseille.


Despite the criticism and the need for “improvement”, as acknowledged by the government spokesman, remigration – movement opportunity to send illegal immigrants back to their country of origin – has increased in the last year. The expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation has been presented as one of the priorities of Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior.

According to the Europe 1 broadcaster, expulsions have increased 20% between January and August of 2022 compared to the same period last year. Since January 2022, the folder has registered 14.708 departures from the territory, against 12. 132 in 2021.

As soon as Macron came to power, has undertaken to fulfill 100% of the obligations to leave French territory before 2022. However, since 2017, the execution rate of these OQTFs has been low. In 2019, last reference year before the Covid crisis-19 , while 132.839 OQTFs were pronounced, only 12% of them were executed.

With regard to asylum applications, France noted 132.132 orders from January to August this year: an increase of 9% in relation to 2018. In total, 97 one thousand applicants were rejected and subject to OQTF status. And, according to Europe 1, most remain in the country.

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