Italian government confirms three deaths after landslide on the island of Ischia

Carros foram arrastados durante deslizamento em Ischia.Cars were dragged during landslide in Ischia.| Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Official sources confirmed this Sunday (

) that three people died after the landslide on the Italian island of Ischia on Saturday morning. At least nine other people remain missing. So far, the bodies of an elderly woman, a five-year-old child, and a woman of 31 years old, who lived at the site of the catastrophe with her boyfriend, who has not yet been found.Carros foram arrastados durante deslizamento em Ischia. The island of Ischia, in the Gulf of Naples, suffered torrential rains on Friday night that caused flooding and a landslide that violently swept everything in its path in the municipality of Casamicciola Terme. Part of Mount Epomeo gave way and hit several houses and streets in the city. Images posted on social media show streets flooded and taken over by rubble.

The searches for the missing are being carried out by local emergency teams and also from Naples, with the reinforcement of the Italian Armed Forces. Dogs are used to look for signs of life under the rubble, while a Coast Guard ship searches the coast, where several cars and even buses were dragged.

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