F5 – Columnists – Cooking adventure – Salmon with mustard is a light and quick dish to prepare for New Year’s dinner

The last week of the year has arrived. The end of the endless year of 2020 has arrived. We know it was not easy. In fact, it was perhaps one of the most complicated times for many people we know. While the turn of the year doesn’t mean it is all over (on the contrary, care is needed more than ever), New Years Eve brings with it a symbolism of hope, change and faith in life. better times. In other words, celebrating (not at crowded parties, please don’t party) isn’t just possible, it’s even healthy. And nothing better than a delicious dinner.

But, since 2020 has left everyone absolutely exhausted and Christmas dinner in general leaves everyone very drunk, I selected a super easy, very light and very tasty dish for New Years Eve. this, he agrees with the cuteness of that you can’t eat everything you think about on New Years Eve, otherwise you will have a next year with moments of regression – nobody wants that, right?

Salmon is a heavier fish, but cooked in a pan with little oil, it is perfect for hot moments. It is accompanied by a creamy mustard and egg sauce and goes perfectly with meat. The couple successfully harmonized with the most famous drink of the tour: sparkling wine. This type of wine is white or rosé, which in general is excellent with fish. However, since it has high acidity, it will also make a good combination with salmon and a creamy sauce, a more fatty dish than, for example, a fillet of tilapia in citrus sauce.

For those who love sparkling wine, know that it goes very well with most snacks and will be excellent for watering at night. You don’t have to “pop the champagne” right at midnight. Stay home if possible and do we go to the kitchen? Next! Happy New Year!


Salmon with mustard
Difficulty: easy
Serves 6 people

800 g of salmon
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Juice of 2 lemons
Salt and black pepper to taste
4 hard-boiled eggs
4 small pickles
2 tablespoons (dessert) Dijon mustard
4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
2 tablespoons finely chopped green perfume

How to
1. Dry the salmon well and let it come to room temperature.
2. Season with lemon, salt and pepper.
3. Heat a large pan (if necessary, divide the fish in half) with the oil. Place the fish skin-side up, cover and cook over high heat for three to four minutes, until just starting to brown.
4. Carefully flip the fish. Lower the heat a little, add about three tablespoons of water and cover again. The steam will help cook the meat. Cook for another seven to ten minutes. The salmon should still be pink and juicy.
5. For the sauce, chop the eggs and pickles well and mix with the other ingredients. If necessary, adjust the salt. Serve with the fish.

Juliana Ventura, 36, is a journalist who graduated from PUC-SP (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo), graduated in gastronomy from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi and a children’s cooking teacher.

email: aventuranacozinha@grupofolha.com.br

Instagram: @venturanacozinha

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