EU wants to create special court to investigate war crimes in Ukraine

Soldados russos na região de Donetsk: segundo prefeito pró-Moscou, ataque à sede do governo local foi realizado com míssil de fabricação americana

Russian soldiers in Donetsk region: second pro-Moscow mayor , attack on the seat of local government was carried out with an American-made missile| Photo: EFE/EPA/ALESSANDRO GUERRA

The Ukrainian Presidency celebrated this Wednesday (30) the proposal of the European Union to work on the creation of a special court to try Russia’s crimes in Ukraine. “This is exactly what we have been proposing for a long time”, greeted the chief of staff of the Ukrainian presidency, Andriy Yermak, on Telegram.8014758202001

“We are ready to start working with the international community to gain the broadest possible international support for this specialized court,” said European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen .214

The EU executive has also proposed a plan to seize Russian assets frozen in response to the February invasion of Ukraine. “We blocked 300 billions of euros in Central Bank of Russia reserves and froze 19 billions of euros from the Russian oligarchs”, highlighted the president of the Commission.

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