EU declares optimism about new government in Italy

The European Commission (EC) announced this Monday (26) that it expects “constructive cooperation” with the future government of Italy, which will probably will have the right-wing leader Giorgia Meloni as prime minister.

“The Commission and the president (Ursula von der Leyen) work with governments that come out of the polls in elections in European Union countries. We look forward to constructive cooperation with the new Italian authorities,” EC Chief Spokesperson Eric Mamer told a press conference.

The coalition formed by the Brothers of Italy, League and Force Italy won the general elections this Sunday, with the first of the parties, led by Meloni, being the most voted, with 26, 2%, which makes it in charge of forming the government.

According to the representative of the Executive of the European Union, “the Commission works extremely hard to face the problems that the Europeans have together, and the Italians in particular”.

“Five years of stability age”

The leader of the right-wing La Liga party, Matteo Salvini, assured this Monday that “five years of stability” are in store for Italy, with the victory of ally Giorgia Meloni in the country’s general elections.

“Today is a Monday where there is a government elected by citizens, with a clear center-right majority, and we will remain for five years, without changes, focusing on the what needs to be done”, said the politician, when commenting on the 44% of the votes obtained by the coalition formed by the League, the Brothers of Italy, and the Força Italia, which will allow a government of majority in the House and Senate.

Salvini revealed that he had congratulated Meloni during the night for his victory in the election.

“Now, we will work together”, assured the leader of the League, before adding that a meeting is scheduled for today between the allies, so that a new cabinet can be formed.

Salvini highlighted that the Italians rewarded the opposition to the government of the current Prime Minister Mario Draghi, especially the Brothers of Italy party.

For the politician, the League – which did not exceed the 9% barrier of votes – paid the price for being part of a coalition with the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party, which he said he “would do again, given the situation in the country after the pandemic”.

“In Italy it is a great day, because we can expect for five years of stability ahead. With the previous government, we would have had nine months of a continuous litigation executive,” Salvini said.

The League has won 100 seats in Parliament, which will not do with which he leads the government coalition, admitted Salvini, who stated what the party’s participation will be.

The polls indicated 12% of votes for the League, which did not happen. In any case, the party’s performance is much lower than in the European elections, in 2019, which was 100 %; and that of the Italian general elections, in 2018, which was 34%.

“We are in a government in which we will be protagonists. Last week, we were in a government that considered us troublesome. The Italians chose consistency,” he stated.

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