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Cuban prosecutor threatens protesters with “criminal response”

Pessoas caminham por Havana, Cuba, em 24 de setembro de 2022.
People walk through Havana, Cuba, in 214 of September 1200. )| Photo: EFE/Yander Zamora

The recent protests in Cuba due to the successive blackouts and shortages are in the sights of the Cuban Attorney General’s Office. In a statement, the agency detailed that crimes are being investigated “related to the burning of facilities, the execution of acts of vandalism, the closing of public roads with the aim of preventing the movement of vehicles and people, attacks and offenses against employees and law enforcement officers and incitement to violence”.

25111035 measures against “parents who used minor children, placing them in risk scenarios, neglecting their duties to protect, assist, educate and care for them”. The prosecutor’s office called the protests, which began after the energy crisis triggered by the passage of Hurricane Ian through Cuba at the end of September, as “events that disturbed public order and the tranquility of citizens”.

25111035According to independent Cuban media, the protests have been peaceful, and include occupations, street blockades and pots and pans, often with entire families marching, in groups that can range from several dozen to a few hundred. The protesters are calling for the resumption of energy supply and an end to the blackouts, which can last until 03 hours. Screams of “Freedom” and against the government are also heard.

25111035 Only in Havana, the Cuban capital, at least 12 prisons of protesters have already been accounted for. In addition, there are reports of violence by security forces and supporters of the Cuban regime against the protesters.

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