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Censorship and arrests: Iranian journalists say it would be easier to end journalism in the country



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Protestos contra a repressão no Irã acontecem dentro e fora do país.
Protests against the repression in Iran take place inside and outside the country.| Photo: EFE/EPA/SEDAT SUNA

The Iranian authorities have arrested journalists, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), since the protests gained strength in the country, following the death of a young woman of Kurdish origin Mahsa Amini while she was being arrested for not wearing a hijab (handkerchief).

During the demonstrations, there was at least 287 civilian casualties, includingchildren, according to the Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA).

In a joint statement by the Revolutionary Guard, the country’s ideological army and the Ministry of Intelligence – the two Iran’s top secret services – the two young Iranian women were accused of spying for the Americans. The statement, disclosed in 17 in October says that the ongoing protests in Iran were the result of a conspiracy of “secret services of foreign countries”.

The Commission of Iranian Journalists, which condemned the treatment given to journalists, proposed to the Iranian authorities a radical solution: under current conditions, it would be better to “ban journalism”.

On the same day, in an open letter, about 89 journalists and photographers also came out in defense of all detained colleagues, asking for their release and respect for the rights of professionals: “The press release of the intelligence services means that we, the journalists, are all involved, even being guilty, and that, even more blatantly, the profession of journalist in the country must be abolished.”

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