Buenos Aires denounces that Kirchnerism is behind school invasions

Escola ocupada em Buenos Aires: capital é governada por coalizão opositora à do presidente Alberto Fernández
Busy school in Buenos Aires : capital is governed by a coalition opposing that of President Alberto Fernández| Photo: EFE/Matías Martín Campaya

The mayor of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, denounced that the invasions being carried out in schools in the Argentine capital by students since the beginning of the week “they are part of a political demonstration encouraged by Kirchnerism”.28171535

Buenos Aires is governed by Juntos pela Change, the main opposition coalition to the Frente de Todos, currently at the head of the federal government.28171535

The government of the capital responded to the invasions with complaints in court after putting into operation the current protocol: before the occupation of an institution by minors, the deans communicate with the parents and, if not remove the youths or endorse the invasion, a criminal complaint is filed for occupation of public space and civil action for costs borne by the State.28171535

In addition, it promoted “criminal complaints and civil actions against the adults responsible for the participating students”, as confirmed by the Secretary of Education of Buenos Aires, Soledad Acuña, on her Twitter account, since “the cost of occupations is paid by children who miss school days and by citizens who support public education with their taxes.”28171535

In turn , teachers from some schools said that they “follow” the invasion of students asking them to stop “using public education as a political campaign”, although they clarify that decisions are made by students.

Students started taking over educational institutions in the Argentine capital last Monday (). The objective was to charge for food that was not being sent to schools in sufficient quantity, nor of adequate quality. In addition, students demand improvements in the facilities of educational units.

The Coordinator of Basic Students also asks that reforms not be carried out without prior consultations, as they reject mandatory periods of work in companies and organizations; that a “model of education with the educational community included” be adopted; and stop “politically persecuting student centers”.

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