The most versatile actor in Bollywood, Manoj Bajpayee, is coming back with an intense movie titled “Bandaa,” which will be available on OTT. The director, Apoorv Singh Karki, guides the audience through an emotional drama set in a courtroom. The movie, which will have its world premiere on Zee5, was produced by Vinod Bhanushali’s Bhanushali Studios Limited, Zee Studios, and Suparn S Varma.
Bandaa OTT Release Date
Bandaa is all set to be premiered on May 23 2023 on Zee5.
Actor Manoj Bajpayee, who has received many National Awards for his work, has had a very successful acting career over the course of the past three decades. The film “Bandaa,” starring Manoj Bajpayee, is scheduled to make its debut on a streaming platform as a direct-to-digital release. On Sunday, which also happened to be Bajpayee’s 54th birthday, the site divulged this information to the public.
The streamer describes “Bandaa” as an action-packed courtroom thriller that was inspired by real-life events. The screenplay for the movie was written by Deepak Kingrani, while Apoorv Singh Karki was the director. The movie was produced by Vinod Bhanushali’s Bhanushali Studios Limited, Zee Studios, and Suparn S. Varma.
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“After our productive collaboration with Silence…Can You Hear it? With Dial 100, we are now bringing to life an enthralling story that is deserving of all the attention, and I can’t wait for you to join us on this fantastic journey that we are about to embark upon! “I am thrilled to share another look at Bandaa, which will have its world premiere very soon,” the recipient of the National Award stated in a statement.
When and Where to Watch Bandaa
You can watch this courtroom drama on Zee5 from 23 May 2023.
On Monday, a trailer for the upcoming film Bandaa, which stars Manoj Bajpayee, was made available online. In a video that is just under two minutes long, Manoj can be seen portraying the part of a lawyer who takes on the challenge of fighting a strong godman. As a result of Godman having sexually molested a child, the attorney desires that justice be served. The preview depicts a difficult battle for Manoj, who is tasked with obtaining the little justice despite the crazed devotion for the godman by his adherents.
The title of the video was “Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai (Only one man is enough),” which translates to “Only one man is enough.” The film also had the subtitle “An ordinary lawyer is out to fight an extraordinary case!” But is he capable of prevailing against a powerful godman who is accused of committing sexual assault against a youngster and bringing justice to the victim? Discover the answer in Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai, an original film produced by ZEE5 and based on actual occurrences. The first episode will air on May 23, 2023.”
What’s the story of Bandaa
It tells the story of an average guy, a high court lawyer, who battled an exceptional case on his own for the rape of a minor under the POCSO statute. The case was brought about because of the POCSO Act. The movie demonstrates that in a conflict between the willpower of a common man and the might of a figure who fancies himself a godman, the willpower of the common man will always prevail, and no one is above the law.
Cast & Crew of Bandaa
In the upcoming Indian film “Sirf Ek Bandha Kafi Hai,” Manoj Bajpayee plays the role of a lawyer, while P.C. Solanki co-stars. It is the narrative of an average man who is a high court lawyer who battles alone in an extraordinary case against a man of the highest stature in the country, and how he successfully prosecutes him for the rape of a minor in accordance with the POCSO Act. The case involves the victim being a minor, and the defendant is a man of the highest stature in the country.
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In addition to being produced by Vinod Bhanushali’s Bhanushali Studios Limited, the movie is also produced in a collaborative effort by Zee Studios and Subarn S. Varma. On May 23, 2023, ZEE5 will be the exclusive platform showing the premiere of the sizzling court drama “Sirf Ek Banda Kafi Hai.” This is Manoj Bajpayee’s third ZEE5 Original film, and he has won both the Padma Shri Award and the National Award for his work.
my first film as a director, and one that will remain near and dear to me for the rest of my life. A highlight of my time on set with this movie was collaborating with the film’s principal actor, Manoj Bajpayee. I don’t think I could have found a more suitable performer for this role than he is.
I can say without hesitation that the performance that Manoj sir gives in this film is one of his very best, and that the conclusion of the film will be talked about for a very long time. I can’t wait to hear what people think about the movie after they’ve seen it. Beginning May 23, 2023, you will only be able to watch “Sirf Ek Bandha Kafi Hai” on ZEE5.