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After Corona, more than 72% of Gujarat’s entrepreneurs are ready for expansion, skilled workers are the first choice. After Corona, more than 72% of Gujarat’s entrepreneurs are ready for expansion, the first choice of skilled workers

After Gujarati newsbusiness corona, more than 72% of Gujarat’s entrepreneurs are ready for expansion, skilled workers are the first choice

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Ahmedabad 15 hours ago Author: Mandar Dave

CopyLinkStratefix Consulting survey of more than 500 industries to know the real reality of industrial units of Gujarat, more than 52% industrial units grew rapidly after the epidemic.

Industrial units were most affected by the Corona epidemic. 2020 has seen many ups and downs in most industries due to financial crisis, shortage of skilled workers and stable business orders. But the coming new year is promising for 2021 industrial units. Not only has the market started improving with renewed vigor since September, but experts are also optimistic that Gujarat will enter the manufacturing sector across the country.

According to a survey conducted on the economic and psychological condition of the market and business, market and business sentiment has come into positive position more rapidly than expected. Strategix Consulting co-founders Chirag Patel and Mukul Goyal conducted a survey from over 500 MSME companies focusing on four key issues. According to 52.5 percent traders, the market is seeing good growth. And the market is moving in a good direction. Experts say that on an average 4-5 lakh new jobs will be created in Gujarat in 2021. Not only this, more than 72.5 percent industrial units are keen to expand trade after the epidemic. More than 80 percent of recovery during the epidemic has been achieved by more than 42 percent of industries. Real estate, textile-diamond industries have seen rapid recovery in the last two-three months. Rameshbhai Patel of Amardeep Aggregators said that the industrial park in Hazira is operating in full swing and is showing positive effects.

Two lakh new jobs will be created in the pharma sector
Gujarat is a pharma hub, said Bhavesh Upadhyay, founder of Entrepreneuring Indian. The Coro epidemic will create the most jobs in the region, providing more than 2 lakh new jobs alone. Apart from this, IT-e-commerce also has the most employment opportunities. The unemployment rate in Gujarat is currently around 11 percent which will come down to 3.4 percent by March 2021, i.e. by 2017-18.

Although salary payments declined, employment was created in all areas, large and small.
FIA Secretary Ajit Shah said that the epidemic has reduced payments in the industries-corporate sector, but has created jobs. The MSME sector contributes the most to employment generation. Personal wealth is developing. Many foreign companies are ready to invest in Gujarat. It will generate employment in the engineering, pharma, auto and chemical industries rapidly.

Reduce unnecessary costs, prioritize quality industries
Founder-business doctor Saurabh Khandelwal said small businesses would have to cut unnecessary expenses to boost business in the new year. Furthermore, if the business is kept as debt-free as possible, then the coming disasters can be easily overcome.

Pandemic-lockdown taught industries a lot
Chirag Patel, co-founder of Stratfix Consulting Ltd., explains how those in epidemics and lockdowns can have high turnover with little capital, how to cut unnecessary expenses, how to increase the internal strength of the business , How to get the best return on investment. , Explained the importance of how to make maximum use of available resources in units. Most of the industries are now ready to promote trade even in the coming crisis.

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